Make time to read these!
I love when sites I respect go ahead and compile their best-of essays! Why? Because writers need to read. And there is so much good stuff out there, it’s easy to miss.
Check out the links in this post to bump up your personal essay range, and to see what 2017 dished up that’s good to read.
And if you’re applying to one of these schools whose application deadlines are still looming, maybe one of the essays will inspire a new approach to your supplement.
Mostly, it’s just important to read your face off. Because the work is so good. And so, naturally, you can write your head off.
If an idea or thought stream comes to you while reading– put that essay down and write, write, write.
Some Go-To Essays to read for 2017
- The “most moving” (does anyone not want to be moved?) essays of 2017 according to Bustle can be found here.
- Longreads, a great place to learn. Each essay tells you (approximately) how long you’ll need to spend reading, and you won’t be sad– can be found here.
- This one, “Mothering Class” is from Salon’s best, which can be found here.
- Collections you might want to pick up, especially if you’re not even sure you like to read essays– can be found here. (But be awesome and order from local bookseller!)
Enjoy, and remember, if holiday season plans aren’t leaving you enough time to read, no one can stop you from locking yourself in the bathroom, can they?
We’ll be reading right with you.
If you have something to say about one of these essays, why not throw your comments on our FB page? Because the point of good writing is to stir us, move us, make us think, feel– and connect.
Want a prompt customized for you from one of these essays? Request that right here. Use the code IREADITNOWHAT in the body of your message to have a free Essay Intensive prompt sent to you– but be sure to specify which essay you read!
And, of course, pass on links to your favorite essays to everyone you know. It’s the best present you can give someone to share art you love.
Or so we think, for obvious reasons.