Student Feedback: You were truly my inspiration that guided me through the period when I was confused and wondered.
I have gotten admissions from USC, NYU, Babson, UCLA, UCSD, Richmond, Brandeis, and UNC.
The one that excites me the most is the offer from the World Bachelor in Business (WBB) program of USC. This pioneer program provides unparalleled opportunities and challenges. And students will live in Los Angeles, HK, and Milan to learn business by immersing in diverse cultures, so I have decided to go there!
Being admitted by this program was literally like a dream coming true as it is very competitive, only 45 students all around the world every year. Without you I would not have accomplished the results I have today!
Sara’s Commentary: Amber was one of the most driven students I have worked with. The 12 hr time difference meant we sometimes worked as late as midnight her time (in China!) and after our sessions she would work her entrepreneurial goals!