The Facts, Baby!
Essay Intensive will be Doing Maternity for much of the summer– we ‘re having a(nother) baby!
Sometimes we’re metaphorical…but this is literal.
We are literally having a baby, sometime around Independence Day (because we appreciate irony).
What does the Baby have to do with me?
What does this mean for you? It means that for July our response time may be slower. Or we may refer you out to our talented colleagues for urgent writing support needs.
Please contact us to inquire if we have room to work with you.
Thank you!
Meanwhile, we cherish you. Have a beautiful summer, and go write like your life depends on it.
We are grateful to have a life filled with children (3, 11, 13 and….newly made). They keep us creative and questioning. They remind us that the future is literally in their growing hands. It can be really hard to be a person, and so we try to raise our own just like we do our business– with love, integrity, honesty and a good dose of humor.
Now, who would we be if we didn’t give you a writing prompt?
Write everything you know about your birth story, and any questions you have. What blanks need to be filled in? Do you see threads connecting how you were born to the rest of your life, as it’s unfolded? If tangents arise, follow them.
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